The Big Time Spell Jar

Creating a spell jar is a popular and effective way to accomplish a desired outcome, focus on a goal, or simply to create a feeling of peace and abundance. Spell jars can be created for any number of purposes, from bringing joy to a friend to wishing yourself prosperity. The Big Time Spell Jar is a powerful concoction to help you reach your deepest desires.

Spell jars are rooted in the tradition of spell-casting and magical rituals, a common practice throughout history and across cultures. This type of spell-work combines herbs, crystals, oils, and other elements to create a powerful charm. The Big Time Spell Jar includes seven powerful elements to help create key changes in your life.

The heavy influence of the moon and its powers have been widely documented, and have a long history associated with magic and ritual. The Big Time Spell Jar utilizes the powerful lunar light to enhance its magickal potency. Other elements of the spell jar focus on releasing negativity, positive energy, and manifestation.

Creating a spell jar is incredibly simple and can be customized to fit whichever intention you set for it. The following recipe will provide directions on how to make your own Big Time Spell Jar, along with the list of ingredients needed.

Big Time Spell Jar Recipe


  • 1 jar with a lid
  • Large quartz crystal
  • 2 cups of ground sea salt
  • 1/4 cup of baking soda
  • A pinch of bay leaf
  • Small pinch of dried rosemary
  • 1 teaspoon of dried lavender buds
  • 3 drops of rose essential oil
  • 1 drop of lemon essential oil
  • 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers


  1. Begin by meditating and focusing on your intention for the spell jar on the night of the full moon.
  2. Place the quartz crystal in the jar and pour the ground sea salt over the top.
  3. Add the baking soda and the dried herbs to the top of the salt and mix gently.
  4. Add the essential oils to the mix, and top it off with the dried chamomile flowers.
  5. Place the lid on the jar and seal it tight.
  6. On the night of the next full moon, open the jar and let all the energies of the moon, herbs, and oils cleanse your spell jar. Then close, seal, and store until you’re ready to use it.

Your Big Time Spell Jar is now complete! This spell jar is meant to represent a fresh start or new beginning. The combination of the different elements inside the jar creates an energy that is powerful and transformational. Whether used for spiritual healing or manifesting a desired outcome, the Big Time Spell Jar is sure to bring the positive magickal energy you need into your life.