Honey Jar Spell Kit
The honey jar spell is a folk magic tradition used to bring sweetness and abundance in our lives. It is best used on New and Full Moons and is a simple yet powerful spell. This spell kit includes all the herbs you need for this spell.
Honey jar spells are especially effective for finding love, improving relationships, and promoting friendship and peace. This spell is also great for increasing luck in all aspects of life.
To begin, you will need a glass jar, honey, and either a small piece of parchment paper or a piece of paper with something positive written on it. You will also need your favorite herbs for this spell. It is a good idea to mix and match different herbs for different purposes. Here is a list of some herbs and crystals you may want to include in your honey jar spell:
• Lavender: Excellent for rituals and spells that involve love and healing.
• Rosemary: Used to bring abundance and wealth.
• Citrine: Can help draw money and abundance towards you.
• Amber: Used to bring good luck and protection.
• Cinnamon: Used to attract love, friendship, and romance.
• Clove: Used to attract luck and success.
• Lemon balm: Used to bring divine messages, peace, and strength.
To begin, fill your jar about half full with honey. Then, add in the herbs you are using, and the parchment paper or paper with a positive affirmation written on it. Finally, add in some clear quartz crystals or other crystals of your choice. Close the lid tightly and shake the jar.
Now that your honey jar is assembled, you are ready to set up and perform your spell. First, light a white candle and hold it near the jar while stating your intention. For example, “With this honey jar, I will bring love and abundance into my life.” Keep the candle burning while you mix the herbs and honey together with your hands, visualizing your intention and calling it into being.
When this is done, place the jar in the darkest corner of the room, away from the light of the candle. Allow the candle to burn down completely and when it is finished, the spell is complete.
The honey jar spell can be used over and over again, as long as you replenish the herbs and crystals each time. This can be done on the night of the New and Full Moon, or whenever you feel the need to.
It is important to remember to always cast your spells with love, respect, and honor all living beings and the earth.
Additional Honey Jar Spell Kit Recipes
Spell of Abundance
• A glass jar filled halfway with honey
• Rosemary
• Citrine crystal
• Amber
Fill the jar with honey and add the rosemary, citrine crystal, and amber. Close the jar tightly and shake the jar. Light a white candle and hold it near the jar while saying “With this honey jar, I call abundance and prosperity into my life.” Visualize your intention and keep the candle burning while mixing the herbs and honey together with your hands. Place the jar in the darkest corner of the room away from the light and allow the candle to finish burning.
Peace and Harmony Spell
• A glass jar filled halfway with honey
• Lavender
• Cinnamon
• Clove
Fill the jar with honey and add the lavender, cinnamon, and clove. Close the jar tightly and shake the jar. Light a white candle and hold it near the jar while saying “With this honey jar, I will bring peace and harmony into my life.” Visualize your intention and keep the candle burning while mixing the herbs and honey together with your hands. Place the jar in the darkest corner of the room away from the light and allow the candle to finish burning.